We will share some important Information about Fat Loss During Pregnancy
But, Little discussion before diving into the topic:
More than 50% of pregnant women have nausea and vomiting during the first trimester. So it is possible that during that time the number of calories that the body assimilates is less than what would normally correspond.
- The hormonal changes that occur during this first part of pregnancy can cause loss of appetite and, consequently, decreased food intake can translate into weight loss.
- The body is working at a rate unknown to him in creating the baby, this involves additional effort that can also translate into weight loss.
- Therefore, if during the first trimester we observe a reduction in kilos, we should not worry excessively. We must bear in mind that genetics plays an important role, consulting our mother and/or grandmother about how they did can give us a clue of how our pregnancy will go.
What you should take into account your weight in pregnancy?
There are two aspects that we must control if we lose weight in the first trimester. The dehydration and malnutrition may pose a danger to be tackled. In any case, it is a good time to start a balanced diet to make sure that we incorporate all the macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats), minerals, and vitamins that the body will need for us and for the growing baby into our body. within us. It is advisable to have our gynecologist and, if possible, our nutritionist since their coordinated action will direct us in the right direction.
Normally, during the second and third trimesters, we will recover what was lost in the first stage and begin to gain weight as the baby develops. If this is not the case, it may be time to worry and put ourselves in the hands of specialists, it is important to act quickly if weight loss occurs in the ninth month.
The usual thing is to gain between 8 and 14 kilos throughout the pregnancy, depending on whether we start the pregnancy overweight or below our usual weight and our natural complexion. The important thing is to pay attention to the scale during the process and follow the instructions of our gynecologist.
Can you lose weight during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, doubts and fears about weight gain and the possible consequences for both the baby and the mother often appear.
It is important that you follow your doctor's instructions because, during pregnancy, losing weight is no longer an aesthetic issue. If you are overweight, get advice from a professional, if you have not done it yet, because it is not a good time to try diets.
One of the fears, although very small compared to all that we usually have during those 9 months, is knowing how our body will look after childbirth. A few years ago, enough but not enough for you not to have heard it, it was popularly said that the female body increased two kilos for each pregnancy. There is nothing that scientifically ensures this. It was just one of those popular tips that we cling to when we can't change reality.
The same society that assumed and even celebrated roundness after pregnancy is the same that today analyzes with a magnifying glass the kilos that we have not lost after childbirth. When they explain the benefits of breastfeeding in prepartum courses, one of the reasons they give is that breastfeeding makes you slim.
There it is, again like the Damocles sword, so you don't forget that you have to go back to your size as if nothing had happened. As if your eyes were not closed in broad daylight, as if you had nothing else to think about.
Lose weight naturally
How you feed during pregnancy will be essential. Banished the myth that pregnant women should eat for two, it is essential that you follow a rich and complete diet. This is not the time to lose weight unless the obstetrician has recommended it to you.
However, many women lose weight unintentionally, especially over the course of the first three months. Drowsiness, nausea, and reluctance to eat certain foods can favor you to lose one or two kilos. It is not the most frequent but it happens and you should not be alarmed by it if you have a pregnancy controlled by professionals.
If you search the Internet for diets to lose weight during pregnancy, you will find countless regimes and suggestions. Keep in mind that the correct formation of the baby depends a lot on the food you eat, not only on the quantity but also on the quality. Experts say that during pregnancy and only if you need it, you can increase about 300 calories a day to your usual calories.
How many meals should you make?
Pregnant women very often feel more anxious and channel it through food. To prevent this from affecting the weight, it is important that you eat the 5 usual meals. A good breakfast balances the hormone insulin and keeps blood sugar at the proper levels.
Don't neglect hydration
Drink all the water you need and more. We know well the benefits of adequate hydration, but at this stage it is essential. If you drink water, not soft drinks or sugary drinks, your body improves blood circulation and helps prevent dizziness and low blood pressure so frequent at this stage.
Pay special attention to nutrients
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends specific guidelines for proper nutrition during pregnancy.
If sufficient micronutrients such as calcium, vitamin A and iron are not ingested during pregnancy, complications can occur for both mother and child. If the woman has a lower weight gain than estimated, there is a risk that the delivery will be advanced, a propensity for birth defects and a low weight of the baby at birth.
A bit of correct nutritional advice during this stage is the recommendation of the obstetricians. If you have to change habits, such as quitting smoking and these provoke greater anxiety, consult your GP, because too much weight gain is as harmful as reducing it.